BUSK 2015: Everthing about the Singer-Songwriter Festival Bolzano-Bozen
Here you will find everything good, new and important about BUSK 2015

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BUSK Singer-Songwriter Festival is back in Bolzano-Bozen! For two days, 15+16 May, fifteen musicians are going to turn the city into a giant stage with wonderful songs and sounds for the audience to enjoy.
Friday 15.5.2015 H 15–19
Saturday 16.6.2015 H 10–19
Historical Centre, Bolzano-Bozen, South Tyrol
Piazza del Grano | Kornplatz
These are THE BUSKERS coming to town 15+16 MAY 2015:
Camilla Furetta
Contrast Conspiracy
Flo & Cerino in Love
La Piccola Orchestra Felix Lalù
Man in Between
Onk Lou
Philipp Genetti
Raffael Pankraz
Robin Vagale
The Bad Bastards
Theresa Chanson
A talk about “Le difficoltà della musica dal vivo a Bolzano e in regione e punti di vista dall’esterno” with Tommaso Sacchi, Anansi, Marco Russo and Marco Bassetti
Wednesday 13.5.2015, 19 H @ Weigh Station For Culture
Food, poetry and music with I Mestoli, Diala Quartett, Melograno, Monica Trettel, Color Colectif and DJ Olavo
Friday 15.5.2015, 14–22 H @ BUSK Home Base
On May 15th and 16th 2015 franzmagazine.com is organizing the third edition of BUSK, the Singer-Songwriter Festival in the centre of Bolzano. For the third time we’re bringing buskers and their music out to the streets of the city. 15 musicians will spread their music in 10 locations. Everyone can participate, local but also international artists, in order to create an original, multi-faceted and multi-lingual festival which will bring quality street music to Bolzano.
A project by franzmagazine.com
Idea: Tobias “Tobe” Planer
Project development, management & communication: franzmagazine.com
Design: Mut. Thomas Kronbichler, Martin Kerschbaumer, Adèle Hurbault
Scenography realisation: David Duzzi
Thanks to: Nadja Röggla, Alexa Weber, Anansi Stefano Bannò, Maurice Bellotti, Nicola Conati, Nicola Filippi, Andy Franzelin, Roland Leitner, Laura Marongiu, Paolo Mazzuccato, Max von Milland, Elena Riberto, Nora Mitterrutzner, Peter Natter, Anna Wieser, Sarah Sailer, Annalisa Frenademez, Sandra Profanter, Dachverband für Natur- und Umweltschutz in Südtirol
Call for participation closed 13/04/2015. Stay tuned for next year! (Here an overview of the registration details.) Voting also closed 15/04/2015 H 14.00. Here are all the buskers who participated:
The Aroostercrats
Alessandro Milo
The Bad Bastards
beda mit palme
Boz Trio & Guests
Camilla Furetta
Cari Cari
Contrast Conspiracy
David Necchi
Flo & Cerino in Love
Man in Between
Nick 13Alok09
Onk Lou
La Piccola Orchestra Felix Lalù
Philipp Genetti
Raffael Pankraz
Robin Vagale
Silvio Orlandi
Theresa Chanson
The panel of experts:
franzmagazine readers
Anansi aka Stefano Bannò (musicista, i know a placeTn)
Marco Bassetti (franzmagazine)
Maurice Bellotti (concert promoter, Full Tension Bz)
Nicola Conati (SanbaRadio Tn)
Nicola Filippi (Buskers Festival Trento)
Andy Franzelin (Weekender Club Ibk)
Roland Leitner (Radio Freier Fall, Rai Südtirol)
Laura Marongiu (Weigh Station for Culture Bz)
Paolo Mazzucato (Zeppelin, Rai Alto Adige)
Max von Milland (singer-songwriter)
Tobias Planer (idea)
Elena Riberto (MTV Italy)
Kunigunde Weissenegger (franzmagazine)Curiosities:
BUSK kommt ursprünglich vom spanischen Begriff buscar, das suchen heißt. Im Laufe der Jahre entwickelte sich der englische Ausdruck busker: Ein busker ist ein Straßenkünstler, auf der Suche nach Ruhm und Ehre. Dazu gehört auch der Straßenmusiker oder die Straßenmusikerin. Ihre Erkennungszeichen sind die Gitarre unter dem Arm und zumeist auch ein Hut, der zugleich als Spendentopf dient.
La musica è fatta per unire: al di là di gruppi linguistici, culture, etnie e origini, Bolzano per 2 giorni diventa palcoscenico urbano per la musica di strada di qualità e la città si fa ancora più bella grazie a un’inedita colonna sonora. Ascoltare i musicisti dal vivo e da vicino, lasciare un contributo monetario se vi sono piaciuti, parlare con loro e conoscere storie, provenienze, emozioni. Un modo unico, insomma, per vivere la musica e la città!
Foto by franzmagazine-Matteo-Vegetti